How can I write a piece for Public Assembly?

Anyone who has ever attended a Public Assembly show is eligible to submit as a writer with our program. No prior writing experience is required (and many of our writers are first-timers). We only accept submissions during the 4 day window following each show. Instructions for how to submit are sent to our mailing list the morning after a show. They are also posted on our instagram. 

Do you accept complete scripts? 

No, we only accept proposals that are 400 words or less and tailored to the theme of that month’s show. You are welcome to include snippets of dialogue in those 400 words, but we do urge you to focus on the general kernel of the idea, along with overarching plot, themes, characters, and tone. Complete scripts will be discarded.

Do I need to have the entire story worked out
in order to pitch it?

No. Pieces evolve considerably over the course of the month and we don’t expect submissions to be fully formed. Feel free to tell us of the different directions your piece might go or the things you want to explore within it.

How can I get involved as a director at Public Assembly?

Directors play a very important role in our program and prior experience directing is necessary for consideration. Please fill out this form to be considered. Once we review your materials, we may invite you to shadow/observe our process for a month so you can familiarize yourself with how the program is run. After that, if there’s a piece for which we feel you’re a good fit, we’ll reach out.

What if I’d like to direct my own piece?

We do not permit writers to direct their own pieces unless they have done our program several times. We find everyone does their best work if they focus on one aspect of the process at a time.

How can I get involved as an actor at Public Assembly?

Please fill out this form and we’ll be in touch if there’s a role for which you’re a good fit. You must be local to LA. We do not hold auditions.

Do you accept volunteers?

Yes! As a non-profit we rely heavily on communal support of different kinds. If you’d like to lend a hand on show-night, fill out this form. Thank you in advance.

Yes! As a non-profit we rely heavily on communal support of different kinds. If you’d like to lend a hand on show-night, fill out this form. Thank you in advance.

Do you pay your artists?

Historically our program has operated as a community project, subsisting on the generous contributions of pro-bono talent and time from our artists. If our fundraising drive is successful, we will be able to split all ticket sales with our actors and directors (as this is a writing lab, writers will not be compensated as they receive the benefit of having a piece developed by our team). To make a donation and help make this dream a reality, click here.

Do writers retain the rights to their own work?

Of course! All we ask is that writers credit their pieces as “Developed in partnership with Public Assembly” if they choose to adapt them into a film or something longer. We can provide an end scroll logo.

How do I become an Associated Artist or Member?

Membership and Associate Artist are positions that are invite-only and are extended to our most frequent collaborators.

Where are you located?

We are an itinerant company that does not have a brick and mortar location. We love bringing theater into unexpected spaces. If you have a location you feel would be a good fit for one of our shows, please email . Please note: we require a capacity of 150-200, strong sight lines to a stage or raised area, and a legal ability to offer an open bar. We do not put up shows in black boxes or traditional theater spaces.

Any tips for someone who’s afraid to submit
but really wants to?

Don’t let ‘perfect’ by the enemy of ‘good’. It often takes a few tries before getting programmed, so may as well toss that first submission out and see what happens :)

I have other skills, equipment, or in-kind stuff I’d like
to donate to your program, to whom should I talk?

Thank you so much in advance! Please contact us. We love collaborating with members of our community.